Diaries, a Call for Papers, and a Sample Topic


Time put away your diary and the pen with a pom-pom, just for a few minutes, anyway, and write that abstract for the upcoming Percy Conference. The one you’ve been putting off for the better part of a year, while faithfully professing ton grand amour

CALL FOR PAPERS: The third biennial Walker Percy Conference will take place October 16-17, 2015 at Loyola University in New Orleans. The conference will focus on Percy’s 1966 novel The Last Gentleman, its literary, cultural, and philosophical themes, and its place in Southern and American Literature, but is open to the full spectrum of possible topics as they relate to Percy and his work, including but not limited to psychology, exile, place, travel, philosophy, semiotics, postmodernism, suicide, medicine, and religion.

Here’s an idea. If it really is a diary you’re after, here’s a sample topic: Analyze diary-keeper and ex-suicide Sutter Vaught in light of the following comment by Percy …

“I like to think of beginning where Faulkner left off, with a Quentin Compson who didn’t commit suicide. Suicide is easy. Keeping Quentin Compson alive is what I am interested in doing.”

And the comments section seems as good a place as any for a show of hands for those planning to attend the conference next October


  1. Feb. 28 is deadline. I intend to make it…


  2. Broderick Barker says

    I’m thinking of writing up another chapter of The Last Gentlemen, a book about a trip for a conference about a book about a trip…

    So yeah, I think by this point, I’m obliged to attend.

  3. (Duffer rises from the ashes for just one day to scatter the Korrektiv Blog with a thousand bitter comments, because it’s February, and everyone on earth is an ex-suicide in February.)

    Can we please get over Walker Percy? How many Walker Percy conferences must one attend in a lifetime?

    Repetition… blah blah blah…

    (also, my pom-pom has a poison dart buried in it, aimed at the next person who makes a derogatory comment about diaries)

  4. Louise Orrock says

    . hv mn.

  5. Louise Orrock says

    , ‘ gn m bn.

  6. Louise Orrock says

    My keyboard wasn’t working. I can’t presently replace it because of ‘Windows log incompatibility, but might that the type of keyboard I tried to replace it with?

  7. Louise Orrock says

    I was conscious that time was about to run out and in fact received a message to tell me that I was posting too quickly until the time ran out and so didn’t correct the message.

  8. Louise Orrock says

    I’m in the library.

  9. Some of the tracks on the new Father John Misty album sound Percy-esque.

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