‘…They Shall Bind You…’

From the Armadio degli Argenti of Blessed John of Fiesole, OP (Fra Angelico), c. 1450

‘And you, O son of man, behold they shall put bands upon you, and they shall bind you with them: and you shall not go forth from the midst of them. And I will make your tongue stick fast to the roof of your mouth, and you shall be dumb….’

Ezekiel 3: 25-26


  1. I see that sword looks like the one in Poland that is supposed to be Peter’s sword.


  2. Ah, I thought we might be doing this. I’ve been doing Giotto this year.



    • Broderick Barker says

      Thank you, Janet. That’s good stuff. I am a lousy looker at art, and am always grateful when people suggest things to see/ways to look at it. Happy Good Friday.

    • Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

      Detailed analysis corrodes bad art, but enhances good art.

      Thank you so much for sharing both Giotto’s work, and your examinations of the same, which make the loveliness lovelier.

      Blessings to you and your household — and thank you again, Janet.

      • Well, you should thank yourself, Angelico. It was your posting these pictures from the Armadio degli Argenti a few years ago that got me interested. At first, I only meant to post pictures–all the pictures Fra Angelico had painted that applied to Holy Thursday, Good Friday, etc. on the appropriate day, but I got drawn more and more into them.

        I really appreciate your kind comments.


  3. You’re welcome, and thanks.


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