
Θρῇκἐς τε γλαυκοὺς καὶ πυρρούς… – Xenophanes

The Jordan shines with sliver chits
That flit like fish. They just wait there
For true-blue eyes and steady wits
To fling upon the killing air.

I’m no fisherman, though – I’m told
The sea’s never been in my loins.
So I’ll take the sun…. See! It’s gold
Has turned my hair to flaming coins!

Such coin’s as good as any oil
That drips upon a rabbi’s beard.
But dip a finger in his bowl –
And would he say so? Not a word!

“We should act,” he’d say, “as we know” –
But judge: who is free to do so?


  1. Cubeland Mystic says

    Hey JOB

    I don’t mean to hijack your post, but I noticed that the Godsbody crowd is doing most of the heavy lifting on the blog. Where’s the Korrektiv people?

    There’s three other names on that tombstone. Where’s the production people? I want to be entertained.

  2. Lots of k’s. I suppose we do forget stories that influence us, or I have anyway.

    Anyway, I’m healthy enough after all.

  3. They offered money
    I don’t know why I took it
    (Sorry, I’m sorry.)

  4. Jonathan Potter says

    “Thrῇkes tech glaucous And russet” according to Google Translate.

  5. Jonathan Potter says

    This is striking. Was it inspired by the image?

    • It was a sort of mutual inspiration, actually.

      “Xenophanes meet the Evanglists; Evangelists meet Xenophanes.”


  6. Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

    Has anybody here seen or read the 2005 play The Last Days of Judas Iscariot?


    I saw it, and thought it was a basically good, dramatically effective, entertaining piece of work — and one which, probably more than the author himself, took the possibility and meaning of damnation surprisingly seriously. (And the Communion of Saints, too. A scene featuring Mother Teresa was electrifying.) It was refreshing.

    Based on my reaction, and the reactions of the heretic and heathen friends I saw it with, I’d call it a play that has something to say to the reprobate and the rest of us. If you can get past some rather ham-handedly irreverent humor.

    That ubiquitous and sanguine casuist, Fr James Martin, SJ, wrote a book (for Loyola Press) about his involvement with the production. I haven’t read it, but here’s the press release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/A-Jesuit-Off-Broadway/Father-James-Martin-SJ/prweb2232934.htm

    But back to the question: Has anybody seen or read this play? If so, what did YOU think?

    • Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

      *Just to clarify, ‘the author himself’ referenced above means ‘playwright Stephen Adly Guirgis’, not ‘Angelico Nguyen’. I saw an interview which indicated Guirgis doesn’t identify as Christian. All the more impressive that he treats our teachings and ideas as if they deserve to be stated fairly and dramatized effectively.

      The possibility of damnation scares the hell out of me.

    • Jonathan Potter says

      I haven’t seen it but now I want to.

  7. Cubeland,

    I’d say your hijacking was thoroughly successful.

    hee hee


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