A nod to Kierkegaard and Walker Percy: existentialist tomfoolery, political satire, literary homage, word mongering, a year-round summer reading club, Dylanesque music bits, apocalyptic marianism, poetry, fiction, meta-porn, a prisoner work-release program.
Søren Kierkegaard
Walker Percy
Bob Dylan
Literature & History
Letters from an American
Beau of the Fifth Column
This American Life
The Writer’s Almanac
San Diego Reader
The Stranger
The Inlander
Charlotte was Both
The Onion
From Empty Hands
Ellen Finnigan
First Things
National Review
The New Republic
All Manner of Thing
Gerasene Writers Conference
Catholic and Enjoying It
Bad Catholic
Is My Phylactery Showing?
Quotidian Quintilian
En pocas palabras
William Wilson, Guitarist Extraordinaire
Signposts in a Strange Land
Ben Hatke
Daniel Mitsui
Dappled Things
The Fine Delight
Gene Luen Yang
Wiseblood Books
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Oh look you did a thing. (That’s the best one I’ve seen yet and I don’t even watch the show!)
Season Three
The more I think about Season Two, the more I think it should be about a seemingly naive Nigerian nun who goes to Rome to make a formal report on the state of her order – and also, on her own time, look into some apparent financial irregularities that are troubling her. She gets noticed by some powerful, unsavory forces within the Church, and also, by a couple of good-hearted if slightly worldly cardinals…
Variations on the Grand Inquisitor? Cardinals like these guys ?
Grand Inquisitor was more existential-political. I want to go spiritual-financial: religion and money, the Kingdom of Heaven and the material world. But I take your point. The good-hearted cardinals I had in mind were our smoking detectives – a couple of troublemakers who nonetheless won’t stand for a wolf in shepherd’s clothing.
Plus, I like the competing power bases: the big bad Vatican types vs. the humble nun who nevertheless is the face of the Church to the faithful she serves, and who draws strength from their honest devotion.
Yeah that would be badass. I wanna read it… 😀
Get writing!
House of Card[inal]s
Game of Cathedras
True Detektiv
(unless of course you’ve already made that connection but I have to type out my manifesto so maybe we can compare notes one day)
Oh do please bring it.
I just picked up Last Gentleman from the library so I write this gibberish without having read either it or Lancelot or Signposts.
Have at it, lend me your reckons
c’nest pas un google doc
^^forthcoming post at Unpleasant Accents… y’all get a preview here first!
Oh look you did a thing. (Unfortunately, I haven’t [yet!] seen the show, so can’t comment. But many thanks for giving us a sneak peek!)
just fyi I don’t think I spoiled anything. And the mystery takes second place to McConnaughey saying things anyway.
See also.
Trusting your note that the essay draft was spoiler-safe, I read and enjoyed it! You are on to something: Cohle’s and More’s backstories are even more similar than you let on. Recall that, in Love in the Ruins, More traces his own spiritual, moral, and psychological deterioration — at least in part — to the death of his young daughter (from a slow, gruesome illness).
I was looking forward to True Detective before, and even more so now. Thank you again for this preview.
Oooh, how did I manage to forget that?!
Thanks for that link also.
also, for Lickona: guy with a state college degree, one book published, became a showrunner, creating the series. Keep writing!
Bat Out of Hell is underway. Animated series. Recorded the theme song last night.
That was nicely done, Paul. I bet if we worked at it, we could pick up a little of Rust in Lancelot Lamar as well.
Thank you sir.
I finished Last Gentleman yesterday. It was an old battered library edition with this cover .
Referring to Barrett’s telescope, no doubt, but it also reminds one of Rust’s tiny mirror .
Think I’m gonna have to add that in as well.
This just happened… http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/true-detective-walker-percy-noir/
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Congrats.