Today in Porn, Ha Ha Very Cute Edition

We here at the Korrektiv try to be sensitive about custody of the eyes, so I cropped this photo as much as I could. But I couldn’t not include it, not after reading the following bit of hilarity:

The Huffington Post has an article about an upcoming article in Rolling Stone about Christian rocker-turned-sexy pop singer Katy Perry: “She also talks about her religious upbringing and her ‘blasphemy’ comment about Lady Gaga. ‘I am sensitive to Russell taking the Lord’s name in vain and to Lady Gaga putting a rosary in her mouth. I think when you put sex and spirituality in the same bottle and shake it up, bad things happen.'”

But Katy, isn’t that a rosary around your neck, hanging down over your OH I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.


  1. Rufus McCain says

    This segues nicely into the devotions posts.

  2. Matthew Lickona says


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