
“In any genuine human love there is an element of bowing down before the God-given dignity of the other person, who is in the image of God…In our Communion with Jesus Christ, this attains a new level…Augustine says in one place, in a sermon to his new communicants: No one can receive Communion without first adoring…What we are told about the monks of Cluny, around the year one thousand, is particularly striking. Whenever they went to receive Communion, they took their shoes off. They knew that the burning bush was here, the mystery before which Moses, in the desert, sank to his knees. The form may change, but what has to remain is the spirit of adoration, which signifies a genuine act of stepping out of ourselves…and thereby in fact discovering human fellowship.”

[Image taken from card found in the back of Perpetual Adoration Chapel at St. Therese church in San Diego.]

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