Oh, and while we were in St. Peter in Chains…

…we figured we might as well get a shot of this Moses character…


  1. Gotta love Michaelangelo.

    I have really enjoyed these pictures.

  2. Matthew Lickona says

    I’m so glad to hear it. I realize I may be boring some people to tears with this slideshow, but the blog is serving as my record of the trip…

  3. No, it’s great.

    Like I said, we had to cancel our trip last year so we are living through ya’ll…

  4. It’s said that the Moses is so life like that M’angelo, upon finishing, struck the prophet’s knee with his mallet and said, “And now, speak!”

  5. Matthew Lickona says

    I thought that was David. If it was Moses, there’s an easy joke in there about learning a lesson from when Moses struck the rock…

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