Hair Shirt

I don’t know who wrote this, but it pretty accurately captures my post-election sentiments.



  1. Come back to the big tent of broken people, brother. A vote for Trump is no more indicative of a personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty than a vote for Clinton is indicative of a personal willingness to support abortion and drone strikes that kill civilians. No, I didn’t vote for him. But I know people who did, and I know they found the behaviors you mentioned disgusting. All these folks have disgusting aspects. People choose as best they can. Don’t let this fester. It’ll poison you. Much love to you and yours.

  2. Mega-dittos.



  3. Louise Orrock says

    I was in the US for two and a half months this year but although a few people asked me early on what I thought of Trump I can’t really remember anyone’s opinion of him apart from the sort of things you’re saying. Including a Republican I met – I don’t remember what he said.

  4. Louise Orrock says

    I voted for him.

  5. Louise Orrock says

    I voted for him. I found his manner attractive and intelligent and Hillary Clinton too inscrutable, although I may have made a mistake.

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