Happy Birthday, Big Jon Bully!


  1. You sure did surprise me. Thanks Quin…and for the warning about candles too. LOL.

  2. Big Jon,

    I wish I’d known. By all means I hope it was worthy of the name “Bully” – in the Teddy Roosevelt sense of that term, of course.

  3. Thanks JOB, but the most newsworthy event yesterday was McCain’s 50th birthday party.

    Here’s some home video taken last night:

    • Quin Finnegan says

      Best. Home video. Ever.

    • Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

      I hate having missed it, but at least I was able to make a spiritual communion from the solitude of my cell:


      • Pretty much. Great scene, but what about the little cups of grape juice?

        • Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

          True story: The first altar rail I ever noticed — possibly the first one I ever saw — was not in a pre-1960s Catholic church, but in a post-1960s Methodist church.

          Also, I’m about 70% sure that the first liturgy I ever saw celebrated ad orientem was an Episcopalian wedding, or possibly funeral.

        • Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

          But to answer your question: Maybe it was filmed but deleted; ditto the use of ‘fellowship’ as a verb, and the pronunciation of ‘Augustine’ to rhyme with ‘Ovaltine’. The satisfaction of our curiosity on this point gives the Criterion Collection all the more reason to release, at long last, a special edition of Barcelona, the very best Stillman movie so far.

  4. For our readers who haven’t met me, I’m the guy in the white cowboy hat.

  5. I guess Brian Williams said he was there, but did anyone actually see him? Rufus?

  6. Louise Orrock says

    My keyboard at home doesn’t work and I was advised by somebody in a computer shop (after a second one didn’t work) hat I would be unlikely to find one that did, so I won’t be able to post comments for a while.

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