Title for my eventual volumne of collected poetry

Caterwauls & Doggerels

Which reminds me, I need to finish the poem I started for the Lansing Priest’s ordination:

A priest makes men uneasy – how dare he what he does?/Standing in the breach ‘tween God and man…

And also the poem I started for the Confirmation of my two sons and godson last Thursday:

When the Spirit first descended/ When the reign of death was ended/ He came/ As flame/ That burned and rested all at once/ Consuming all but what Christ sought to save/ The wheat within the chaffy shell/ Since chaff is all that’s bound for hell/ And only wheat may live beyond the grave…

You know, because only jazz criticism sells better than poetry.


  1. Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

    Triple Confirmations? Mazel tov!

    Which saints did they pick?

  2. Folks like a Man of God.

  3. You know, because only jazz criticism sells better than poetry.

    The former can — in conjunction with a university librarian’s salary — help to subsidise the latter.

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