Caterwauls & Doggerels
Which reminds me, I need to finish the poem I started for the Lansing Priest’s ordination:
A priest makes men uneasy – how dare he what he does?/Standing in the breach ‘tween God and man…
And also the poem I started for the Confirmation of my two sons and godson last Thursday:
When the Spirit first descended/ When the reign of death was ended/ He came/ As flame/ That burned and rested all at once/ Consuming all but what Christ sought to save/ The wheat within the chaffy shell/ Since chaff is all that’s bound for hell/ And only wheat may live beyond the grave…
You know, because only jazz criticism sells better than poetry.
Triple Confirmations? Mazel tov!
Which saints did they pick?
First Son: Augustine. Second Son: Francis. Godson: Moses.
Folks like a Man of God.
No, they don’t.
“Men of God” make everyone feel guilty and judged.
The former can — in conjunction with a university librarian’s salary — help to subsidise the latter.