The End of an Era

Jonathan Potter hosted his last Naked Lunch Break at the Riverpoint Campus of Eastern Washington University.


  1. Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says
  2. Jonathan Potter says
  3. Matthew Lickona says

    Oh, sweet Lord, the monologue!

  4. Quin Finnegan says

    Kindly disregard the Bowling and the Bolling videos that follow.

    • Jonathan Potter says

      I fixed that for ya. There was a check box that said “include entire playlist.” Unchecked it.

      • Quin Finnegan says

        Thanks! I swear I looked … maybe next time I’m in Spokane you can give me a tutorial. Facebook even.

        • Jonathan Potter says

          That was some good bowling footage, though. Your nephew?

          • Quin Finnegan says

            Yep, the nephew. As you may have gleaned from the audio, he knows everything. In his own words to me on another occasion, “I know as much as any fifty year old man.” Meaning, not just one fifty year old man in particular, but all those fifty year old men with their shit together as well. Good thing this next generation has such a good handle on things. Otherwise, I’d be concerned.

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