Oh, Waugh.


  1. Angelico Nguyen, Esq., OP says

    Good catch! That lonely, damningly faint line of praise, ‘Much of the dialogue is funny’, sounds like our Churchill.

    Biggest laugh:

    ‘You may quote me as saying: “This exposure of corruption, cowardice and incivility of American officers will outrage all friends of your country (such as myself)…’.

    Also worth a glance is the 1936 letter wherein Waugh asked Laura Herbert whether ‘you could bear the idea of marrying me’:

    I can’t advise you in my favour because I think it would be beastly for you, but think how nice it would be for me. I am restless & moody and misanthropic & lazy & have no money except what I earn and if I got ill you would starve. In fact it’s a lousy proposition. On the other hand I think I could do a Grant and reform & become quite strict about not getting drunk and I am pretty sure I should be faithful. Also there is always a fair chance that there will be another bigger economic crash in which case if you had married a nobleman with a great house you might find yourself starving, while I am very clever and could probably earn a living of some sort somewhere.

    All these are very small advantages compared with the awfulness of my character. I have always tried to be nice to you and you may have got it into your head that I am nice really, but that is all rot. It is only to you & for you. I am jealous & impatient — but there is no point in going into a whole list of my vices. You are a critical girl and I’ve no doubt that you know them all and a great many I don’t know myself.’

  2. Quin Finnegan says

    Waugh, waugh … (descending major … er … Major Major)

    Who says a novel can’t be a collection of sketches, and often repetitious?

    As for structure … the title is “Catch 22”, for hell’s sake. Sorta the point, I think. And when you really get down to it … show me a novel without structure.


  3. Jonathan Potter says

    It was love at first sight.

  4. Jonathan Webb says

    Yeah, couldn’t disagree more. But, I’ll take Waugh being wrong over just about anyone else being right.

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