From the Music Video Archives III: Edita Gruberová as Königin der Nacht

According to WIkipedia, the Queen of Night was Gruberová’s breakthrough role in 1970, and here in this later performance it’s easy to see why. Roberta Peters’ version, conducted by Karl Bohm, has always been my favorite, but I have to admit that Gruberova’s performance, though perhaps less spectacular, has a warmth to it that is utterly beguiling. Less regal, perhaps, but pretty stunning nevertheless.


  1. Jonathan Webb says

    It’s funny that I watched a YouTube Gruberova this week after reading about comparisons between she and Kathleen Battle.

    Comparisons unfavorable to Battle.

  2. Quin Finnegan says

    Yeah, Battle can be fun to hear (and man, did she look good on the cover of Semele), but in terms of vocals Gruberova is in an entirely different league. In my opinion.

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