It’s been awhile since Korrektiv aimed a virtual towel-snap across the blogospheric lockerroom in the general direction of the bare buttocks of Godsbody….
We are great admirers of the book, Swimming with Scapulars, but it is a title that begs, that veritably sticks its tongue in your ear (like Bob Dylan’s wife, for you readers of the boringly titled Chronicles) to be parodied in a sound and nonsense sort of way. (In all fairness it was Lickona’s market-savvy publishers who insisted on the title, which turned out to be a pretty good one from the memorable, marketable, and thus parodiable angle.)
The possibilities are endless! And the parallel universes we glimpse in the alternative versions boggle the mind.
For example: Flipping with Spatulas, Matthew Lickona’s guide to his parallel universe career as a burger flipper at … what’s that joint that the Godsbody folks is always getting heated up about? Well … or Scrapping with Scimitars wherein Lickona describes his mythic battles in the Society of Creative Anachronism.
Or Skating with Swastikas.
Or Snapping with Fistulas.
Make up your own in the comments area and the prize winning entry received by next Wednesday at noon San Diego time will receive a free autographed copy of … Spurting with Jugulars, or whatever.
In the meantime, go read the book if you haven’t already.
I almost didn’t buy the book because it looked like ‘chick lit’ what with the skin on the cover.
Geez – first the abuse of my bare buttocks, then the association with chick lit. Not to mention that damning catalog of links. This blog is turning into a rough neighborhood.
Book Two was once referred to as Running with Rosaries by one of the parties associated with its production (not me).
The cover shot for Running with Rosaries could be of the author doing the running of the bulls in Pamplona, dressed up in a bullfigher’s outfit to maintain the chick lit aspect.
My wife is worried that I went too far with this post. Crossed some sort of boundary of propriety and good taste and fine fellowship. But isn’t that what separates Korrektiv from the blogospheric herd? What I don’t understand is why the contest entries aren’t pouring in. I might have to extend the deadline.
My dear Mr. Potter,
You may reassure your wife that you have not crossed any boundaries. It is all most good. Besides, who dares to question the Korrektiv?
However, what you are going to have to accept is the fact that, while millions read the Korrektiv, none of those millions shares your kind interest in my little book. Hence the silence on the contest front.
Since ML’s book is about as far from chick lit as can be imagined, it does go to show the ol’ adage that you can’t judge a book by its cover.
What has happened is that these hordes of Korrektiv readers have leapt up from their computers and rushed over to their copies of Swerving with Vehiculars (which they’ve had sitting there by the nightstand for several months). They have become so enthralled that they have no time for silly contests.
Just to make you feel better I will post my lame attempt. I came up with
Praying with Pimples
adventures in Youth Ministry
(I said it was lame)
That ain’t lame at all. Well, okay, it’s slightly lame. But it’s a good warm-up. And you get bonus points for keeping with a religious theme. This could be part of a whole series, sort of like the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and all that. I’ve got another one: Genuflecting with Geriatrics — for the old folks!